Tips and tricks for the dentist
Do not pull tooth out in one go, but simply loosen and allow blood to flow into the alveola. The bleeding loosens the tooth further and the blood also acts as a “lubricant“. After a few minutes the tooth can be removed without applying any further force. This procedure also reduces the risk of a porous, nonvital tooth breaking off during the extraction. In the interests of efficient aveola bleeding, vasoconstrictors should be dispensed with where possible.
Allow to continue bleeding after the extraction so that the toxins are flushed out of the surrounding bones. Also scrape out the alveola thoroughly so that the bone soaked in toxins is also removed and the body is not impacted further.
These measures also reduce the risk of bacteria spreading as a result of the procedure.
Once the pulp for the endodontia has been prepared, test the pulp with the OroTox test. If the values are still elevated, the cleaning should be continued until the OroTox test no longer shows an elevated value.
Due to the increased elevated likelihood of thromboembolic complications as a result of platelet aggregation, prophylactic treatment with Aspirin Cardio 100 must be prescribed for high-risk patients, providing there are no contraindications.